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Changing lives and careers

Brain Balance is not just transformative for kids. It’s a kids franchise that also happens to be a strong investment opportunity

Many franchise owners are drawn to Brain Balance because they have a personal connection to a child whose life has been transformed by our unique, customized drug-free approach. Brain Balance is unquestionably a labor of love for many who have seen children overcome their social, behavioral and academic challenges.

As a thriving kids franchise, Brain Balance is changing the lives of children who struggle with social, academic and behavioral issues. For more than 10 years, we have provided a comprehensive and proven business model that people could follow to find financial success along with personal edification.

Brain Balance is a kids franchise in business to change the lives of children that struggle. Hear from some of our owners about their Brain Balance experience.

Ann Cahill, Overland Park, Kansas

As a pediatric occupational therapist, Ann Cahill had a lot of experience working with children who faced challenges. And as a mother, Cahill had a soft spot for kids with ADHD and anxiety, since two of her three kids struggled with those issues themselves.

“As I looked at it, I realized it did everything I’d ever done as an OT but in a way that was intensified enough to see real change. When you’re in the medical field, the insurance companies, school districts, the state — they limit everything you can do and they make it hard for you to help people. At Brain Balance we’re doing what we need to do for these people to really see change. We are able to see them three times a week, we are able to look at everything that’s going on with them, and we are able to build them back up and mature their brain from the bottom up. It is one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done.

“A new CEO came on a few months before we did our first Discovery Day with Brain Balance, and we were so impressed with him and his drive and his passion for where the company was headed that we were ready to immediately be a part of it.”

Bryan Dobbs, Hilton Head, South Carolina

Bryan Dobbs watched his nephew’s remarkable journey from a toddler diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder to a healthy 10-year-old boy who goes to mainstream classes and is a terrific athlete. He saw that his sister, passionate about the transformation, was determined to pay it forward by becoming a Brain Balance owner herself. What he didn’t anticipate was that he, too, would end up as a Brain Balance franchisee.

“The idea was I was just going to look over the leasing and help them get started and look over a business plan. And as we got further down the road and turning the business plan over, I thought, wow, this actually isn’t just a mission of love. This is actually a viable business plan on top of that. And so coming in originally just with passion and wanting to help, we found something we could really get behind.” 

Heather Wells of Texas

As the former foster mother of two boys with neurobehavioral differences, Heather Wells understood intuitively what kind of impact Brain Balance could make on the lives of children. She also had 30 years of experience working with challenged children, and she understood that the value proposition on the business side was very strong. That’s part of why she runs three Brain Balance franchises today.

“Well, I think this is the most passionate group of business people I’ve ever been with. I mean, I shouldn’t even call them business people. They are on this planet to transform lives. When you’re around like-minded people, it’s really great. Working with corporate as a team, everybody’s on the same page.

“We are getting to the root, and addressing kids’ and families’ issues at the foundation. We don’t put Band-Aids on symptoms. When you transform that child’s life, you’re transforming an entire family unit.

“It is a franchise, so you have a proven system. You have training. You need business support? You’ve got that. You don’t have to come in knowing about neurology. You don’t have to have some fancy education. We have so many families who are owners because their child went through program and they, too, were like, ‘We have to do this for other families.’”

Learn more

Brain Balance offers more than just a great business opportunity. It offers a solution for millions of children and families struggling with academic, social behavioral issues. You can explore our website or fill out a form to see if Brain Balance is right for you.

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Change the course of children’s lives as well as your own.
